Graham, We are lucky as we will not be affected by the changes but I can understand why other are annoyed. Warnings from as early as 2007 are great for people who were involved in the sport at that time and understood the rules. What about someone who started in cadets earlier this year - were the new helmets available and if so were the retailers advising people on the new rules - bearing in mind they were still only proposals. Quite an outlay for something that can only be used for a couple of seasons. Having spoken with John Ryan I do understand the reasoning behind the CMR and agree with it. However, it is a difficult policy to introduce without upsetting someone. The most obvious instances will be where you have two kids in scrutineering - same age, height and build but one in Cadets is told that only the CMR helmet is allowed whilst the other in a junior class is allowed to wear their Arai SK5 or whatever. Suppose it is just lucky that we do not get beligerent paretns in karting!!