My son stopped racing in March and we did S1 in 06, 07 and last year but never did Stars - mainly because we had a budget and could only do one series and took the view rightly or wrongly that S1 was the 'better' series to develop in the class James was in - i.e. Rotax.
I've been a critic of S1 and things like the website etc albeit constructively (I hope) and at one point even sent Neil a 'this is how I'd develop the web site' not because I'm a web developer (I'm not!) but to suggest a few ideas to improve the brand, look and feel because like lots of others we were fed up with the tired image and out of date information.
From a neutral perspective I can easily see why Stars might appear to be more 'sexy' because of the branding, links to F1, prizes etc but S1 does give back a lot in terms of £ or end of season prizes.
I did a bit of anal research the other week to look at the nos doing S1 over the past few years and how many of those that start the season fail to even turn up for rounds 3, 4, 5 and 6. And the decline in nos is significant which I'm sure is a lot to do with the current climate but also might suggest the market is saturated except for those with very deep pockets. A case of quality not quantity perhaps and maybe the review being carried out by the MSA will identify ways of reducing costs and ensuring the numbers in the sport remain sufficiently high to promote healthy competition. You only have to look at the grids for most of the club meetings to see nos are falling although that doesn't mean drivers have left the sport - more a case of deciding where to spend their £.
But back to Stars v S1 v a.n.other.
My take on Stars is it tries to bite off a little bit more than it can chew. The idea of a European 4 leg series was intriguing but has been cancelled due to scheduling. I believe one of the KF rounds was cancelled due to lack of numbers but I'd question whether it was ever viable to do that in Stars in the first place.
Yes the website it glitzy but agree it's hard to find what you're after - almost too MUCH information on there.
S1 has improved on that front this year and even if the live timing doesn't always work, the results for the Saturday are up that day or Sunday morning and at the latest all results and points by the Monday.
Ok the S1 web site isn't going to win any 'sports web site of the year' awards but so what?
I think the criteria/questions someone thinking or doing one or t'other are budget, short and long-term plan for little johnny as in if you want him/her to get to the highest level whatever that is, then what is the best route for that in terms of competition, profile/prestige etc. If you take Junior Max which we did last year then both series have strong grids with perhaps a few more newcomers in Stars. So is it easier to win Stars than S1 thereby pushing a driver to the front or is it better to do a 'harder' series to bring them on? Discuss!
I don't have shares in S1 and don't know any of the people on a personal level but given the choice of only doing 1 series, then personally it would be S1 purely on the 'what do I think is the best series for my son to develop as a driver' and 'where am I likely to face the stiffest competition'. But that's not to say Stars isn't competitive because clearly it is albeit some classes more than others.
As for clutch checks, fuel, rule changes etc then I can't comment on Stars and can only say S1 isn't and will never be perfect such is the nature of the sport.
The new S1 format brought in this year is something we voted for in 2008 but it didn't get enough backing. It has its pros and cons but overall I think is a better model and at the end of the day I think the same drivers/teams are going to come out near the top regardless of which format.
You say you'll be doing a national champs next year so presumre you've been to a meeting of both if that's practical - to check out the way it runs, atmosphere etc. If you haven't then might I suggest you do and if you have then sounds like you've already made up your mind.
Good luck.