To answer your question John, I personally think unless your a big player with money then the club arn't really that bothered. I am not renewing my membership for next year due to the fact that I think Shenington has become a victim of it's own success, its busy as hell every meet, if the fields closed there is hardly anywhere to go, the dummy grid gets too busy on practice day's, so busy that people wait in karts out of the gated area and up into the pit-lane, the area where you pick your kart up after each session is always a free for all with only one way in, one way out, disaster, sometimes I have been waiting so long for all other drivers to leave this area that by the time I get my sons kart the next session is ending and we are in the way, who gets told off by the marshalls, ME!!, I explain it's not my fault, they don't want to know. Have I let my feeling's known to officials, no I havn't, why, because as I state, I'm just me in a van with my son, no $40,000 motorhome, no big race team, do I think they will listen to me ....I doubt it.
Sorry to be so negative but you did ask