The fixed cost for that John shows for Stars are not correct. The entry fee is £1,000 but there was an option to pay £1,245 to include all entry fees and practice days. Based on the £1245 this works out at £207.50 per meeting or £138.33 per round - with Stars there are three double headers so you do two rounds at one meeting. So, the cost per meeting is greater for Stars but the cost per round in cheaper. Both series work out more expensive that club racing where the entry fee and practice day is more likely to be around £70 for members - about half of the championship costs. Then at club meetings you can use any pump fuel at about £1 litre whereas at Stars and S1 you will pay £4.20 litre for the control fuel. This used to come in 10 litre cans but I know for Stars this year you buy just what you want - not sure about S1. The other difference is with tyres - you have to buy a new set of slicks for every round of S1 and although you may choose to do this for club meeting you at least have the choice. For cadets this adds significantly to the costs and can make S1 more expensive than Stars where you only have to buy new slicks for round 1. If you just want to test yourself against the Stars/S1 drivers then you can do this by going to a club meeting the month before a Stars/S1 round is held there and you will find quite a few there. Both are great series and well worth doing.