However, it follows that such a move has to be made clear in the SRs, since it is a requirement of the licence that there is a clearly defined boundary between the track and the not-track.
This then present another problem that on the non-track side of the kerb on some of the WM corners, the kerb drops straight down to the green stuff. (At least, so it appears from the pictures on some of the kerbs). This is against the licence instruction which say that there must be no dropoff between the edge of the thack and its surround. Hence the white line is legal, even though there may be an uneven connection to the green stuff, because the join between track up to the white line and the not track, the tarmac just beyond the white line is level.
So, if you can ride a kerb at Whilton, where exactly is the edge of the track when there is a drop off? (Which might have been NikG's point when claiming that tracks were in violation of their licence in a different thread)