I did sign up for the karting UK section of FB but will probably cancel it as there are just so many posts. At least on here buy and sell ads are in sections that you can view or ignore and it is the same with topic threads - if it does not tickle your fancy then just skip it. With FB you just have to keep scrolling down, Have to agree with you Alan about IKR - would be great top see all club meetings run as that. Can still keep many of the MSA rules and regs but make the CoC decision final. Karting should be about having fun and not about who can afford to have their solicitor/lawyer on call over a weekend! For national championships then maybe the full appeal system has some merit and maybe at that level, IKR will struggle to compete (not sure how S1 and Alan's series are going as difficult to find information). It will probably never happen but my ideal would be for club championships to feed into regional championships and then into a national championship. If this was under MSA then when you renew your licence you nominate your `championship' club and then register a chassis and 2 engines for the championship. Tyres could also be controlled. You coulkd race at any other club but only for trophies and your position would be ignored for the club championship.