Pleased to announce The first three events on the TDi Media IKR UK Tour are now in the diary.... with Rowrah first up hosting "The TDi Media IKR UK Gold Cup" in a new and unique 6 heats (from random grid positions) and a final event over two days on the 5th Weekend of30/31st March. NOT a championship, just a series of one off events with nice trophies and all finals filmed.
2 x Warm ups and three heats being held on the Saturday and final three heats and the televised grand final on Sunday for our YouTube channel. Exciting new race concept we are trying for this I hope everyone will enjoy. Beautiful Gold Plated Trophy to each winner where a class has at least 6 runners. Grids may be mixed for the heats, with finals featuring 10 or more drivers in a class run on a single grid for the filmed finals.
Entry fee for the two day event is £125 total, with optional Friday practice if the club wish to provide this (to be confirmed). Tons of racing and track time in a different format from the norm. You can register your entry NOW by texting "Gold Cup Entry" with your name, race number and class, (add novice if you have done less than 6 races by this time.... Novices are welcome but will have to start the heats from the back of the grid). Register your entry now, but you only have to pay on the day at signing on. This is an IKR event but open to everyone who wishes to take part. Text your details to 07595-371683.
Gold Plated Trophies awarded to the winners in classes with 8 or more drivers, so rally round your friends to ensure you get enough in your class and the chance to win this very special trophy. Top 3 in each class awarded trophies on the day (2nd and 3rd get alternative trophy)
Other confirmed events are the IKR meeting at Larkhall on the 28th April (The Ècosse Championships with glass cup trophy to each winner)......... and the "The TDi Media IKR UK Masters" at Hooton Park on 5th weekend of September (28th/29th). This is another two day 6 heats and a final format for this one off event as well, with a stunning claret jug trophy to each winner for this one.
For more information about the TDi Media IKR UK Tour you can call me on 07595-371683. I am still looking to fill the 5th weekend in June (29th/30th) with a similar special event..... expect an announcement shortly.