I've just read the Alpha live Facebook statement. I'm reminded of an episode from my school days. In the winter when it snowed. My school and the school adjacent would engage in snowball battles with one another - Very much against the rules. Kids being kids however, we could not help but continue these battles. The year in mind was a particularly cold snowy winter with snow falling over a prolonged period. Exasperated by our continued disregard for the rules our head finally decreed - 'any further transgressions would be punishable with the cane'(all perfectly legal in those days!). Well, that night the snow fell afresh! Deep! Crisp! Beautiful! IRRESISTIBLE! That lunchtime a raiding party about 50 strong left for a sortie into our neighbours playing field. Faced with the inevitable retreat following the enitial surprise, we were greeted by a line of our own teachers, linked arm in arm blocking the path back to our school and safety. Caught between our teachers and the advancing enemy, we had no option other than capitulation. We all had our names taken and duely summoned to appear in the Main Hall before Assembly the following morning to receive our punishment. Our Headmaster was by no means a stupid man. Having given himself time to think about his response, he was wise enough to admit caning 50 odd boys not only beyond his capabilities, but also out of proportion to the crime. Lines were accordingly issued. Good governance requires thought, strength and maybe all, wisdom. Bad governors that enforce rules because 'they are the rules' and 'they'll learn in the end' only make themselves appear weak and unwise. Maybe some could take a lesson from my old Headmaster.