You're not being forced to buy a Rok engine, It's an option isn't it?
People thought the same about f100's chances of success and look at where that has advanced to.
Given how 'last minute' John's enforced efforts have been due to the appallingly vindictive way in which it was conducted, I would hope that John will succeed in building a real series that will be for real karters and not with the sole intention of getting children into cars with the accompanying dangers that we have all ready seen can happen to a young driver whose life is effectively in ruins, despite the hype surrounding them.
There is absolutely no reason why John's series can't have the same or even more prestige than another series.
There are plenty of much better drivers out there who do not hold MSA licenses and would welcome the chance to pit their skills in a championship series that offers a cheaper path to karting.
I think the fact that it is IKR will be attractive to drivers as it does away with all the 'bull ploppy' baggage that goes with the other lot.
It will hopefully bring back a fun and camaraderie aspect that has been sadly lacking in karting for years.
I'd rather do a series that dispenses with the banality of appeals and wallets and 'courts' that have no legal status anyway.
It'll make the licence holder figures an interesting read in January.
It's also heartening to see Alan Tadei supporting coverage for John.
Principles are not dead yet.