Went to Kartmania on Saturday and felt that the event was OK, lots of traders don't seem to support the event and leaves us the paying public a little "shortchanged". All in all OK as an event, we are small part of Motorsport.
But the biggest thought I left with is have the MSA inadvertently completely co**ed up with the new British Champs?
Super 1 were at Kartmania and a very good stand but pushing the Rok engine as seems MSA has taken champs off them, so S1 have signed another engine supplier class and seems with little thought on outcomes the MSA have inadvertently given a strong player in S1 the chance to operate outside of their remit and bring in yet more classes to the UK and that can't be good for the sport or can it? Could this give S1 a great chance to sign the latest and greatest classes coming through whilst the MSA are stuck with decision making process?
Seems that in trying to do good perhaps the MSA have got this so badly wrong and leading to even more fragmentation,two corners, two challengers. There has been a good case for a non MSA British series and looks like S1 will do a great job in this but why could MSA and S1 not have sat down and looked out for us a little more?
Are we going to end up like the US with maybe two bodies now, people taking sides, S1 can not go to PFi as seems the TVKC Committee re running the new MSA Chmpionships.
Seems everything has been rushed and are we going to be better off or worse, the Brexit of Motorsport?
Just seems such a mess!?