Bearing in mind Super 1 is the promoter/organiser of the event..... and once it starts, it is the MSA's officials and Stewards who are responsible for the operation of each meeting... what reasons exactly that were not already issues the MSA were directly responsible for in their own MSA series, are most of the folks aware of?
Once meetings start, This.... and all other MSA sanctioned events inc. club meetings, are and always have been run by MSA officials, interpreting MSA rules, according to their own guidelines. Or.... am I missing something? What is it in the organisation and promotion of events that Super 1 is responsible for that most folk know needed changing exactly that was so desperately needed it had to be announced within 12 days of the 2019 registration period opening.... then required updating after 24 hours to include Mini classes and KZ, then changed again within another few days to add in OK classes and seemingly exclude KZ again?
Can you be more specific on what Super 1 specifically was responsible for?