I would advise to go with S1 in whatever format it is in.
John Hoyle has run S1 very successfully for many years and if you cast your mind back to when (FKS) Formula Kart Stars exploded on the scene and then promptly crashed after a season burning many people in the process, you will be well advised to run with who you know rather than jumping ship like rats deserting a sinking ship and finding yourself rudderless after a few meetings.
I would rather trust John Hoyle and his experience that the chaotic broken promises of the past and future.
Support the man who has genuinely supported karting without all the bumph and flim flam that gets put out by certain quarters.
If it's IKR, so what? It is NOT the poor man of karting. Just because it doesn't say Armani on the bottle doesn't mean it isn't kosher.