Having run a club I can tell you that those scruts and clerks don't get paid very much at all.
The Fletcher/Mills association goes back a long way to when PF had a bakery and a car park just waiting for a kart to run on it, enter Mills. So you would expect a close association if you talk about either/or.
Let me maybe help here. Are you talking about the X30 engines that Mills sells? Are you objecting to the 'out of the box' equality claim?
Getting 10 X30's out of boxes and finding them equal does not mean that in six months time if you retest them they will be equal again.
Maitenance, run time, careful rebuilding, will all have an influence on the resulting characteristics.
Mills has no control over that aspect but it is much less noticable because of the fact that Iame build race engines to a close tolerance and Rotax makes jet ski and moped engines and Honda make hardcore compactors.
All three rely on the skill of engine rebuilders to extract the absolute best out of them. If you're willing to pay, and someone always is.
The fact that people are willing to pay creates the market.