How do you make money out of a karting volunteer?
That's almost a Knock Knock joke!
Amateurs only have themselves to blame if they are unable to think for themselves and make rational decisions about where they spend their money.
If you are intent on swapping your cow for some magic beans, then you know how the story inevitably ends.
The fact that there are nice cars outside the parts shop at PFI shows that there is a successful business being run there, and that is GOOD for the sport.
Why would you immediately associate a nice car or even a house with corruption? That was the purpose of the post I presume?
A look at the history of Paul Fletcher and the Mills family will quickly make you realise that they are where they are primarily because of passion and the fruits of that passion is what you see outside the shop.
Absolutely NOTHING wrong with that unless you think that no one should earn a decent living or you believe there is corruption there.
Karting has a food chain just like everything else in this world and where you decide to position yourself in that chain will decide your lot.
If there are any 'worst' contributors to karting problems it has to be Rotax with the infinite changes to barrel specs etc and Honda because it isn't a kart engine, full stop. It's an agricultural dinosaur that hasn't become extinct.
The fact that people are prepared to spend vast sums in an attempt to find the Lorenzo's oil of engines is primarily because these are not race engines.
It doesn't appear to be such a problem in f100 with its expanse of different RACE engines.
Corruption or green eye, let's wait and see if any evidence is produced M'lud from the faceless ones.
Everyone knows who I am. Much to my chagrin sometimes.
You can always come to a Rye House race meeting for a corruption free day. (Plug Plug not Honk Honk) :)