I agree with Richy.
If you can categorically prove your accusations then you can expose these people and name them with without compunction.
But as with most rumours they will stay just that, rumours.
There's fiddles in all walks of life and if you don't like it, do something about it.
At the end of the day karting has people who depend on the sport to make a living, large or small. Usually the latter.
Corruption is not the problem with karting, it's people's attitude towards it and the way the sport has been allowed to slide into its present sorry state of over regulation.
Talking of over regulation.
The IKR meeting at Rye House yesterday must be hailed as one of the most successful and enjoyable meetings I have attended.
A great many people also said the same thing.
Great weather to start with then:
It virtually ran itself. The ambulance stayed where it usually does, imobile.
I heard no arguments, no accusations of cheating and considering the varied ability that there still is, no bad driving of note.
There was a bit of 'rubbing' but as in Days of Thunder, rubbing's racing. But at least your bloody nosecone doesn't drop down and ruin your day.
We had a great running commentary so you could follow the racing while still preparing karts.
You could start the karts without the 'busies' descending on you and threatening expulsion.
You could still plonk your kart down on the grid at the last second if you'd had a problem without some jobsworth shutting the gate in your face because you were 1 second late and NOBODY objected because they were all out for an enjoyable day and they could have been in the same situatin in the next heat.
It ran without a clerk on the course, people self governed.
There were no closed secretive awnings, it was open house.
The two lads we were running had at least TWELVE family members over at least four generations sitting in a circle enjoying the event.
There were thanks all around and a beer for us in the bar before trophy presentation.
All the kids sat at the front during prizes and encouraged all winners to 'Do the Usain Bolt'
And the verdict: This is what karting SHOULD be.
I don't think anyone could be even bothered to cheat, I certainly saw no evidence of it.
All it needs now is some X30's to make a grid!