It appears that the ABkC have made little effort to draw attention to their newsletter which has recently been posted to its website:
In October 2016, it was announced that the AGM would be postponed to negotiate changes to its constitution. No changes are proposed, so everyone must be happy with rules which state - although these don't seem to be available on the ABkC website:
* Kart clubs aren't actually Members of the ABkC * Super One having 2 votes on the Steering Committee which awards contracts (eg for promoting and arranging championships) * BKIA having one vote * Only clubs physically attending the AGM in the Midlands being able to vote * Half of the "affiliate clubs" not bothering to arrange for a representative to reflect their members' views * No requirement to consult club members or reflect the views of the members of the club * No disclosure of voting records (eg naming the clubs which voted on behalf of their members to retain the "tyre tax", estimated at £30 per set of tyres)
It might be interesting to see what could be achieved if the responsible body (whether the ABkC or a replacement) prevented conflicts of interest, consulted the participants in making decisions and recognised where the true "grass roots" of the industry (sport?) lie.
There again, it's possible that nobody will notice and the forecast of the former Chairman (extinction within 5 years) comes true.