If you read this link again, its rather obvious what you need to do in order to make a thriving business out of a kart circuit, MSA racing equates to 5% of buckmores turn-over, so plan to fail if you target the owner driver market.
Therefore the other 95% is corporate karters in the form of both junior & seniors on the main track, but also bambinos on the small track on the slope......I also heard that the small bambino track hidden in the far corner of rye (near pylon) makes as much money as the main circuit, cripes!
Then you are into the realms of kids parties.......yet another licence to print money.......it seems its all required in order to make a circuit profitable, as heavy bills will need to be paid.
I heard when a full corporate fleet is running at its max capacity they can clear £3000 per hour......I just ran a few sums and I think thats quite a realistic figure, 30 karts x £50 for 30 mins = £1500 = £3000 per hour as a rough guide seems realistic to me..... some others are around the £20 for 30 mins region, so 30 x £20 = £600 = £1200/hr.....nice!
I heard another well know out-door corporate circuit in essex, makes all their money to cover the weekly costs on 1 day, the remaining 6 days are pure profit, whereby their corporate fleet just runs, and runs and runs at almost full capacity all the time.
hope that helps.