Viewing was by "invitation" from the Receiver,then submit bids by Friday last by 12 noon then The Convening Accountant will view them and make a decision, if its not near "suggested" forecasts of its value who knows as I cant see the Receiver putting it all on Ebay.UKKtg Market Place or Gumtree as that would give buyers some protection ie " I found it was seized up and worthless after paying £300" = a lot of hassle and a refund.Poss could split into 4/5 smaller lots at an auction house with no warranty implied or given but then the Supercadets are pretty much worthless. Conspiracy theories suggest perhaps "someone" will aquire it all and re-launch the idea poss in Europe or the East this time.I am sure Bernie will be on hand to advise,but cant see him putting up £500,0000 again or Lewis endorsing it. If you think your offspring has the potential to go a lot further in Motorsport than a weekend family "FUN", then I think I would stick with SUPER ONE to start out in, lots of people from John Hoyles Championship have gone a lot further than anyone from FKS.. IMHO