Only if you can get one cheaper!
The 'fair' price for an item is what someone is prepared to pay for it, not what you think it might be worth.
If you don't like the price, don't buy it, and accept that if you buy a new one it should have more than £40 'additional' value or you can find a second hand one of equal 'quality' for less money.
With electronics like this, about all you can check is that the item holds a 'charge' for an acceptable level of time (so get a statement of 'charge time' from the current owner, so you can send it back if it doesn't meet the specification) and that the case indicates that it has been treated reasonably.
Neither guarantee that the item won't fail the second or third time you use it. You may feel that buying a new one gives you a certain peace of mind in any warranty offered or Sale of Goods rights.