Honda Cadet final.....what a farce
TVKC, NIGEL, hold your heads in shame.
What a complete f%&k up and to come over to the stands and start waving the bloody stupid race and respect sticker up?!?!?!?
How about bloody respecting teh clients and drivers and doing you F&%king jobs properly?
Drivers getting fired, run and loaded left right and centre and as usual nothing seen......great investment those cameras were eh?
For us PFI is usually the benchmark but you royally screwed up yesterday....oh one other thing
How do you sort out a start that was so screwed you had 1/2 the grid driving round not knowing if the race had started after the race? Just asking as this was your pearl of wisdom that you committed to when you responded to the requests from the Granstand?
Some requested a refund but even if you did hold your hands up and say we had the special gang in charge of the honda cadet final and it was a cvomplete cluster a refund won't help the kids, of whom I'm sure a fair few were very upset and went home thinking screw this for a game of soldiers......
As I say usually good but you let yourselves and your customers down yesterday adn would be nice to see some sort of statement explaining the situation as no-one knew anything in race control when approached after the final!