Richie, I think you'll find that only some clubs are of use to them if 'their face fits'.
We only got one event which was a Honda Cadet that they couldn't place anywhere else.
It was made clear that Rye House was not 'on their calendar' and never would be so it was pointless to even apply.
It had gained a reputation from before we took over HKC and the past would not ever be forgotten or forgiven. Never did find out what it was though but visiting stewards would wax lyrical about the bad old days at Rye House.
We found no advantage to being an ABkC member or MSA for that matter with continued broken promises from the MSA. It just resulted in a useless paper mountain and a monetary loss for the club.
I've only recently destroyed the mass of paperwork from the club and couldn't help thinking what a waste of paper in this modern digital world.
Same as attending meetings when you can use technology.
Karting is a terribly simple sport made unnecessarily complicated for some reason.
Small clubs/tracks stand no chance, hence my non support.
Not much point in attending a closed shop non event and wasting a day. Members weren't interested either, they were happy just to turn up, race and go home.
I also don't see why if you pay a subscription to something, things are kept secret or not published or as we saw, withdrawn when they were a fact.
I also don't agree with vested interests being on a committee.
Karting is it's own sport and I don't think it needs to be included in Motorsport. It's like trying to include darts in javelin, archery or hammer sports just because they're thrown. The competitor isn't usually interested in other types.
I'm buying a hat for Christmas, but I don't think I'll end up eating it. We'll see.