Just interested to see how many clubs have approached their members regarding issues which are to be raised at the ABkC AGM.
Colin Wright invited (on facebook) drivers to contact him, but under ABkC rules it‘s clubs (not drivers) that can propose agenda items.
The AGM is effectively the only forum for changing the ABkC Rules.
So how many people know that under the current rules: 1) Super One have 2 votes on the ABkC Committee (including decisions regarding awarding contracts to itself)? 2) the BKIA have 1 vote on the ABkC Committee and 2 votes at the AGM? 3) No Club can have any vote at either unless it is represented in person 4) Only 5 Committee Members are enough to make a decision at a Committee 5) any "anti-competitive" contracts or agreements are void in law
Under these rules, how can the MSA believe that the ABkC in any way represents the views of the karting community, when in fact it represents the views of a small number of vested interests?
It would be interesting to see if any real attempt was made to try to enforce the supposed decisions regarding restricting events such as LGM.
Surely the ABkC should allow all member clubs (Clubs only!) the right to vote on an equal basis with each other, regardless as to whether they can afford to get to meetings.
Maybe that way, provided the clubs consulted their members, we might see decisions being taken which are positive for karting generally, rather than the current process.
But if members can‘t be bothered getting involved, then this is what you get.
No surprise that more and more commercial interests are actively considering non-MSA (IKR) as a more viable alternative and MSA membership continues to decline...