In many IKR events the control of driver standards is easier and better as the buck stops with the organisers, whom can quite quickly with limited fuss (no MSA courts, MSA procedures etc., fear of counter MSA complaints) come down hard on 'hooligans'. This is also typically driven by the other 'non - hooligan' drivers whom quickly get the organisers on the ground at the meeting to deal with hooligan drivers at the time of the problem not afterwards. But without a national organisation to tie IKR together - there could be great disparity on how effectively bad driving is dealt with. But via natural driver pressure and / or voting with your feet - IKR organisers are naturally forced to deal with issues at the local level to maintain attendance. There is a reason the Fulbeck IKR is one of the largest most successful events; regular and open two way communication between drivers and organisers (notice the word 'officials' was not used), and constant effort from the organisers to pursue continual improvements.