Quote a good review posted by a buyer on Amazon, but on the downside they have just increased the price from £149 to £169....dowh!... anyway have now bought one:
"I bought this camera in addition to GoPro Hero 4 Black and to my surprise I've ended up using HERO+ all the time. There is few reasons for it. The battery although is build in the camera it lasts forever in comparison to HERO4 Black. Just today we went for a walk and I have fired up both and while HERO+ was recording through out our 1.5h walk, I had to replace battery 4 times in Hero4 Black. Just to mention that I have Hero4 Black with LCD screen. Saying that the HERO+ is a 2015 model so the user interface is nearly perfect. Camera is much faster and user friendly than HERO4 Black with LCD screen. In regards to picture quality I record mostly in 720p Superwide or 1080p. So when you compare the picture from both, it's very similar. And HERO+ is picture perfect. OK HERO4 Black records 4K, so what - I burn everything on DVD anyway or HD Blue Ray so 4K is useless unless you record professionally and need to crop from the scene.
HERO+ Advantages: - Start recording straight away after turned on - optional - Activates touch screen when touched - HERO4 Black doesn't you need to press a fiddly button. - Battery last very long - Very good quality picture - Superfast menu & easy to navigate - Very good build quality - Amazing underwater performance like out of this world.
To summarise if you are looking for superb action cam HERO+ LCD is one of the best overall cameras on the market."