Picking one 'authority' (ABKc) and not another (MSA) is an indication of how much this (neck brace) becomes personal, rather than evidenced , choice.
Going back to the original issue, what sort of helmet to buy for a junior, there are several issues to think about.
1) Weight. CMR helmets are mandated because they are light weight and meet the protection requirements. You can make a choice as to whether extreme lightness and expense will be significant in a) normal driving and b) incident survival.
2) Fit. Check the fit properly. The helmet needs to be tight enough to be secure...look at top racing drivers who pay to have their helmets fitted.
3)Seals and operation. The seals for the visor and at the neck play an important part in reducing the noise in the helmet.
4) Ventilation. Although many people do so, the visor should not be open at all while you are driving. Road dust can get through the smallest opening, and I have had to have a flake of metal removed from an eye as a result.
So the helmet should allow you to get as much air as you need, even when panting away under stress, without causing the visor to steam up!