The problem with FKS it is simply too much money for six racing weekends, yes there are people spending more than £30,000 for cadets but that is for a whole years racing that includes S1, LGM, O plate, Kartmasters and at the very least two club meetings a month. All the people I have asked about FKS have said yes would love to do it but why would we race six weekends a year out of 52 then do no racing at all once FKS as finished because all of their budget as gone purely on FKS. If you were doing no other racing at all then maybe quite a few parents could just stretch to it but again why on earth would you only want to race six weekends when for the same money you can race all year. As for the big names doing it add the £30k onto what there are already spending a year and you talking a ridiculous amount of money to go karting that’s why they are staying away. I don’t think FKS will actually even happen, I think the numbers are very low, speak to any cadet in the country as we all see each other week in week out and I know of only three cadet drivers that have said yes they are 100% doing it. All these rumors of drivers from Brazil and Argentina are total tripe. Think about if they allow overseas cadet drivers to race then surely it will have to be non MSA and hold no value at all, who in their right mind is going to pay 30k for a non MSA title that don’t mean anything, parents and kids would rather go for the glory off being the official British Cadet Champion and you can only do that in one place Super 1.