Russell..... no matter what you say, none of us are in any doubt that you (using your word) are a 'head' of some sort... the name 'Richard' (or a diminutive of the same) is in there somewhere but I forget where. But, sadly, for you (and Mrs Russell) you don't seem to possess a version of the other part of your attempt at a term of abuse.
Come on old son, try to be imaginative in your terms of abuse rather than just being childish... !
Silly boy!
I was hoping to make you LAUGH (or just grin) at my stupidity about your 'zorst' at MY expense. That's what we grown-ups do: we are comfortable enough with our 'image' that we can even encourage others to laugh at our stupidity without feeling THREATENED in MINIMISED! But I forgot, you don't HAVE any sense of humour, do you?!
Happy New Year to you and yours, Russell! I do actually mean that!