..... and the footballer's magic sponge cures injuries... and starched-epaulettes on race-suits add down-force..... and fairies come and collect your teeth.... and Santa delivers presents....
Oops, that last two ARE true, sorry!
Come on Richy.... do you think the £300 paint jobs adds as much performance as two new sets of tyres or an engine rebuild or a visit to Mr Scothern or driver training or a decent Mychron 4 etc., etc.? Within half a lap, any decent racer has forgotten what his helmet LOOKS like, the performance gained from new tyres lasts slightly longer!
As I said, it's up to you what you spend on what. I just think £300 (and the rest!) could be better spent...... unless you are as rich as Croesus and money is not a problem. I suppose, daddy could be a banker, too.....