This is obviously the battle of two large egos. Neither wants to stand down because (in their own minds) THEY ARE RIGHT. "Woods and trees" springs to min. It is apparent that both parties have Karting at heart, but want to appear "So Macho" that the Karting element has been forgotten. Crikey guys, life is too short to start bickering. Just puts your heads together, do some proper planning, and guess what it will all work out. Handshake agreements rarely work. Sit down, work out the requirements and deliverables etc. then put them into place, ensuring that there contingency plans. Document what has been agreed. Simples Oleg.
If the relevant parties refuse to compromise then the only loser is Karting. Just another tragically sad day.!!
As an aside: Chris - you have publicly stated that you have received £450 from the events. I do hope that you have informed HMRC about this extra income. You also stated that Fulbeck Events received £20,000 for holding the race weekends. I believe that that is over a four month period, which doing the simple maths means that there must have been 125 entries per meeting (£50 per entrant). Well done you for attracting that number of participants. However, do not assume that the income just goes into the coffers of Fulbeck. The costs of running a meeting are quite large. Medical Support Power (Fulbeck runs on generators and is not connected to the mains power) Admin (probably kept to a minimum, but should be provided by both parties) Circuit Officials et al
The basic point that I want to put forward is:
Both parties - "Eat some Humble Pie" and admit your respective errors / faults.
Together, you could really deliver a very successful product if only you worked as a team.
Remember the classic marketing term
TEAM Together Everyone Achieves More