Hi Guys,
Apologies for another thread of "newbie" here but got a few questions which some of you may be able to help me with. Been racing between club 100 and Dmax this year and decided next year I might the plunge and get myself a half reasonable second hand Tkm outfit.Looked at Easykart but think it might be just out of my budget.
I am Based in East Anglia so from doing some research online I have so reasonable Tkm grids within 100 miles (Red Lodge, Kimbolton and Rissington a little further out)
My plan was to start at Red Lodge due to it being non msa so a bit cheaper to start without license etc get a bit of experience In running my own equipment then maybe ....maybe looking to get a license so I can race at places like Kimbolton. Is there anyone on here that races at redlodge that might be able to point me in the right direction of which chassis is best or what the majority run?
Further to this all important question that gets asked a lot budget. From looking through various articles I have estimated that I could run a meeting on a budget of £150 - £250 this is obviously without new tyres every time I race or a major shunt. I have read online that the tyres will last 2-3 meetings before a major drop in performance?
Does this sound like a reasonable budget? By reasonable I have no intentions to set the world alight or have the biggest motorhome ......I just want to race be half competitive in the midfield after some practice and not humiliate myself.
Any feedback welcome