It's the parents letting kids do it because they know they will get away with it.
Sadly it becomes a vicious circle where their driver has probably been bumped off so many times with no action taken, then the mentality of "can't beat them, join them" starts.
The MSA are the ones to stop it because the kids and parents at fault will not stop.
We witnessed an incident at another track this weekend, the clerk/Marshall radioed in as he saw a cadet deliberately turn left instead of right inorder to put a driver on the grass whilst overtaking ( also witnesses by 4 adults). In the office another clerk "interviewed" the 2 kids and called it a racing incident. The reality was the kid pushed off was to terrified to speak up with the truth. Never did the clerk use the other officials observation.
I can understand the frustration of the white line exclusion, it's like the police, happy to give 3 points to the fully insured working class driver because that's easy, however in the mean time the non working uninsured scum bag gets away with it.
A hard line needs to be bought in, if an official sees it then there is no appeal, penalty handed out straight away. Then see how many kids are told by their parents to push / load etc.