My point is a bit more of a general point about cadet kart racing at the moment....
So if Super 1 is the very highest of UK cadet racing, which I believe it is, why don't clubs run the same format....
So let's say little Billy has been racing at Shennington and Kimbolton for the last two years and is running at the sharp end. His parents take the plunge and drop him into Super 1, so little Billy has been having 5 and 6 minute heats, he goes into Super 1......15 minute races.....and then Billy is great at starts, but hang on Super 1 use standing surely all club races should encourage cadets to hone their skills to take them to the pinnacle of karting, so really I believe the MSA need to come up with a format which all clubs should be encouraged to use.....and any MSA meeting should have a minimum race time of ten minutes....we recently done a cadet meeting which had an entry fee of £60 and 3 heata and a final, we were on track for 26 minutes in total.
At the moment there is no value for money, unless you go non MSA, and sadly this is why non MSA is growing.....
Just my thoughts......