I must admit I'm surprised that the TKM would suffer with gas erosion as it uses castor based oil which is very good at protecting engine parts from the corrosive attack of sulphur type contaminates and condensation.
It's a nice theory but I think it would be more at home in normal engines with a pumped oil system and a condensation inducing sump and rocker cover and NOT using a fuel/oil mixture like a 2stroke does.
The Rotax suffers with corrosion on the big end when left, because of the 2% oil mix but not the trusty old TKM at 16:1.
They only get a bit of galling on the crankshaft where the main bearings contact, other than that, they're as bullet proof as a Mitsubshi engine.
As you say, barrels have lasted since the year dot and are still as good as ever.
Maybe the rise in ethanol content could contribute to some 'erosion' but more likely it'll shorten the life of the carb diaphragms.
The hours a race motor does is probably too small to be able to notice it.