Firstly, as NikG points out, you've misread it.
I know you don't make the rules, I never said you did, did I?
Perhaps you can point out where I ever have individually targeted you.
If I had meant you, I would have used your name.
I notice you didn't attack those who disliked your apparent continuous references to F1 or 'loading', although on that I cannot comment because as I said, I didn't get past the first ten seconds, not because it wouldn't have been entertaining but because the racing is now boring.
I enjoyed the pit interviews by the way before the race started.
I have enjoyed your 'programmes' in the past and have only critisised the Motors TV footage that was unwatchable because of the bit rate, I don't think I personally targeted you then either.
The Youtube footage that I have watched before SfT has always been entertaining.
I personally think you have done a wonderful job developing the helicam and have invested a great deal of money in trying to bring an interest to the masses.
BUT, your efforts are lost on me because I object to Starts for Tarts and the fact that the powers that be cannot grow some b***s and rectify a simple problem, that however is not in your remit.
It is galling that even your good self decides to read a post as they want to and not what it actually says, perhaps you should use the same method as carpenters and 'measure (read) twice and cut (interpret) once.
I'm 66 by the way and remember when people in this world had some guts and didn't fanny around and got things done.
You might have lost itpro but I'll stick in your craw if I think there's something worth fighting for.
I don't hide behind pet names and if you want to say anything to me personally my email is no secret
Well there you go Alan, I'll blow the candle out as I don't expect you'll take up my offer but it can't have escaped your notice that I haven't insulted you or called you childish or immature or moronic.
Still, I'm thick skinned so I actually laughed as I don't give a t*ss what people call me, it lets me know I've got their attention, although it wasn't you I was actually trying to attract.
I love still being a kid anyway :)