I agree totally about the cost, hence my original post. If non-MSA racers are going to be included in to MSA race meeting then there is going to be an insurance risk and thus cost implication - who takes on that cost? If its the newbies then will that cost put them off, thus rendering this whole initiative superfluous or will it be the existing MSA racers who also share the cost, because we have to 'for the sake of the sport'. Given on occasion I am already paying £60 for a half day MSA meeting, any additional cost to cover the increased insurance is going to take us into car racing realms - I can go and sprint a car at Clay for £80 for a full days sport for instance.
As to pricings of Insurance, I believe by the very 'bulk buying' nature of the MSA's insurance deal with JLT we get a good deal, for which the underwriters trust that all MSA meetings are held to a certain level of safety and competence, with no exceptions. Given the amount of blind eye's I have seen turned recently in this area I would not want to see the outcome of any claims in this area. But in terms of pricing your figures Phillip dont surprise me for SYKC. I spoke with a lady who runs a bike championship a few years back and she had been quoted 12 grand to include a non-MSA single circuit kart series in her bike series. Thats £1500 a meeting give or take. How do you recoup that back in entry fee's and still run a company without incurring a loss?