Penniless, I agree that practice days are particularly vulnerable, because they aren't covered by the weak protection provided by the MSA regulations.
All you can do is hope that the club will impose its own sanctions on drivers, which is prone to its own potential conflicts especially when teams are involved.
Ultimately people will vote with their feet, so no surprise that numbers are falling.
Unique: the marshalls and scrutineers can only report what they can. The "protest" process isn't fit for purpose. It looks as though it was written with the clear intention of ensuring it never got used.
Rather than reducing paperwork, though, it means drivers simply aren't responsible for the consequences of their actions, leaving them to take risks they shouldn't and far more incidents.
Richey: club governance.... Hmmmm. It might be something a Drivers Association could consider more effectively if the consensus was that the current regulations need to be changed to discourage poor driving standards. Getting consensus on the details might be more difficult, but that's where leadership from those in authority is needed.