Some of us HAVE done marshalling, scrutineering, starter duties, and been a 'Judge of Fact' on occasions. I have also been a commentator, driver, team manager and mechanic plus coffee and teas 'gopher'. I've also written the software for one of the earliest lap-management system. At one time, Rye house used a 'yellow light' system of marshalling and I ran that, too. That's not much of a surprise in 50 years karting, is it?
For me, I know it's not approved by the MSA but I am all FOR video evidence being taken where ever possible and allowing it to be reviewed (and acted upon) AFTER the race. That would reduce the need for the marshal/judges-of-fact as, those drivers who KNOW their action is being recorded and could be used against them will tend to drive better.
I am with you on all aspects of each of us doing our 'club duties', marshals or otherwise. Personally, I'd give maximum points to any driver in a championship who 'marshals' a single 'event' from that championship. At worst, I'd give them, their average number of points for 2 races either side of their 'duties'.
Yes, we should ALL do some duties for our sport!