I cannot recommend Honda more over Iame. I have had four years experience of the class starting at the bottom all the way up to my son winning Kartmasters. To clear up any rumours about engines and pricing. I can assure anyone that I sold the Kartmasters engine for considerably less than £4000. We won The London Cup on an out--the-box borrowed Novice's T2 in 2012. The inequality between the T1s was considerably greater than between the T2. We owned a double O plate winning T1 engine and at the time it barely made any differences to my son's racing. If you want to win your need a straight kart,good engine and more seat time than you can possibly imagine. Speaking directly to a father who raced both Honda and Iame at the highest level, he told me racing Iame had cost him 5 x as much as Honda. Honda is a great class, the engines are bullit proof and is now the quickest way to get affordable kart racing. I now race Rotax and that IS expensive!