Hello Brake Rider,
It is only Club Level and we are learning all the time about rules, decisions and procedures such as these.
I am not sure what you mean be is it money a factor?
There was a ‘big loss’ as a result of the disqualification and much has come to light since I first posted my comment. Some of which I will not post publicly and will keep in my pocket…
Regarding the measurement, I believe it is a 2mm piece of solder that should be used. But my argument has always been that it is a very inaccurate, inconsistent and easy to manipulate measurement regardless of how many verniers are used or at what temperature the measurement is taken.
Suffice to say I am prepared to “put my money where my mouth is” and have written a cheque for £ 410 made payable to the MSA, which is now in the top drawer of my tool box. I just need to put a date on it when it happens again.