I think its as clear as day that the Rotax engines are not all equal. We could debate the reasons for this, how bad the problem really is, benefits of sealing, blueprinting, open tuning etc etc until the cows come home, but we are where we are... I would rather concentrate on the positive’s of this new concept (new for S1 anyway). I genuinely believe it is a big step forward and shows people are listening. I would like to praise S1 and JAG for their efforts in trying to realise this as they probably have and will continue to face opposition from the people with most to lose from this...(I don’t want to debate who this might be but im sure we can guess). I think as a karting community we should look get behind it and support the organisers in making it work with positive input and encouragement otherwise what’s the alternative….we stay with what we have and it think its clear from the passionate words on here and every grid in the country that’s not what a large portion of the karting community want.