We’d really appreciate any donation you can spare to help us get out team of 6 injured lads to Le Mans 24hr karting.
I think everyone will agree, this is a massive event and something our lads will never forget – and something they never thought they’d ever get to experience.
We have a team of 6 lads – 3 x double amputees, 2 x above knee amputees and 1 x 75% burns (and shot twice whilst on fire).
If you can help out, we’d be really appreciative of a donation – maybe you can copy and paste this message on your Facebook walls and other online forums.
Donation - http://www.justgiving.com/KartForce-Le-Mans-24hr-Karting-Race-2013-DaveP
Here’s a short video that explains what we do – and you’ll hear from some of the lads, how they were injured and what karting has done for them…
Video - http://www.kartforce.org/videos/