Given that the collective buying power of cadet Dads is significant and that we're being taken for complete mugs.... (again).
(FX: Trying desperately not to look like an ambulance chaser)
Perhaps its time we formed the equivalent of a Cadet Dad's union or association - or perhaps a Kart Drivers Association - to have a collective say in the continued tyre fiascos in karting.
We're given poor service by MSA and AbKC because we're not organised - but a KDA would have a really powerful voice.
... then *if* the tyres really are a problem, (and I'm not saying they're not - it's just at present the evidence isn't clear (although I'm happy to help compile it) then following the fiasco with the wets, we should look at having a multi-Claimant small-claim against the relevant parties - trouble is that the current law in the UK gives us issues because the buyers' contract is actually against the retailer - although we could use friendly retailers to join in the distributor as a 3rd party contributor.
(After all, at £130 per set it would need litigation over more than 70 sets of tyres!) to reach the £10,000 limit - but if each user claimed £200-£400 wasted race costs, it would only take just about 20-25 Claimants.) (Haven't checked litigation rules to see if there is a limit on the number of Claimants). Might wake someone up at AbKC and Dunlop (The damage to the Dunlop reputation from the press coverage would be enormous because it would hit their retail car sales too.
......Better that than a claim when someone's kid's lying in hospital.