Thank you to everyone who attended & braved the weather for the March meeting. Unfortunately we did have to call off the Sunday race after taking advice from the MSA official. This really was the right thing to have done. There were a total of 86 entries for the meeting and given that this clashed with the last Wigan race before Super One, we felt that this was an acceptable number. We would imagine a lot of the local/regular teams & drivers that usually visit WM will be able to attend April and beyond! Now to clear up a few points that have been mentioned in the thread. There was an ambulance in attendance on both Saturday & Sunday. It is a standard & very important obligation to have under MSA rules. This brings me onto the MSA association! The club is fully paid up & officially recognised with an MSA licence to run a club championship. Likewise with regards to the ABKC membership. Both associations’ logos will be added to the new website shortly and if further proof is required by drivers/parents/guardians etc... Both organisations certificates are located in race control as they should be!! The road has been a long & arduous one for everyone involved with getting MSA racing back at Whilton Mill. We thank you all again for your patients, understanding & support during this time. We hope you enjoy using the new website. Comments & ideas are always welcome as it's you guys using it!!