WELL DONE MBKC in realising that there is more to karting than MSA. As you all realised at the last non msa practise day, we're all pretty good drivers and the karts are up to standard. The only down fall with your dates is that 3 of them clash with Hooton dates, Drivers who have entered Hootons Indiekart championship wont be able to do the 16th June, 11th August or 13th October as they are Hooton Indie kart weekends. Any chance MBKC could change these clashing dates to maybe the Sat before Hooton ? Also your prices are a bit high..... Hooton costs £35 entry INCLUDING transponder hire ! I think the Hooton Indiekart boys/girls will ALL show their loyalty to Bob and Hooton who started this series and stick with the full Championship at Hooton. Wigan is a fantastic track (with a rib protector) and i have much respect for all staff at WiganBut come on, sort ya dates out ! How long before GYG start a non msa championship ? then Rowrah ? Rednall ? RIP MSA