No Chris, unless that's in the 'constitution' of the club. The committee usually can spend what they want, so long as it's for the benefit of the club.
However, if one of them bought an pair of Jimi Choo shoes out of club funds for his missus and CLAIMED they were so she'd be properly dressed for the next AGM..... but she came in trainers...... then you MIGHT be able to have a claim for misuse of club funds.
This is the reason all clubs HAVE to produce their accounts for your inspection at the AGM. You get to scrutinise the accounts and ASK them about the Jimi Choos. If you don't like what they say, you can vote the committee OUT ..... and take the job yourself...... if you can persuade others to back you.
Actually, it all works pretty well..... so LONG as you ALL turn up at the AGM and get INVOLVED..... but.... guess what......?
That's also how Councils work, too..... and Governments. You DO get a 'say' but it only comes when you VOTE!
How would YOU want to organise it.... remembering that the committee are NOT going to do all the hours they do if you get silly and demand an explanation of every single item that they do.
Committees work on 'trust'. If you don't trust them.... you shouldn't have voted then IN.... and you should now vote them, OUT! Simples!