I need to buy another new set of cadet wets, but concerned by some others findings with the new tyres
Some sets have seen 2 to 5 seconds slower!
Our new wets are ace, better than our mid 2012 ones, but now more inters than wets
Maybe we got lucky but chatting to others racers from PFlooks like we are not alone?
Is it that there are a few bad sets around, or are there alot if bad sets around?
Talking to suppliers and the importer there seens be be SLIGHT issue, with some sets
but its very minor, a few tenths at most
Looking at the results. From a wet PFI
In iame the front 17 out if 19 was with 1 second of winners best lap, on a LONG lap (71 seconds)
In honda the top 22 out of 23 was under a second difference
Surly the top 41 karts was not all on old tyres?????
So what is the overall picture
Are the new tyres really that bad?