To the best of your knowledge, has the MSA said anything at all about the use of neck braces? Bear with me, as we are relatively new to karting, but if a substantial injury could be proven to have been prevented by use of a neck device, wouldn't this also call into question the MSA's position on their use? When we first started karting back in 2011, we were advised by the bloke in the shop at the circuit that the use of the foam type devices was a possible cause of accidents at corner entry due to the driver having restricted head movement, which reduces peripheral vision and as a result the driver was more likely to turn in on an overtaking kart. We subsequently didn't buy him a foam type device and opted for the sparco DPC, having read the following from their blurb:
Sparco, in collaboration with team of doctors and specialists, have worked to develop a new safety system called the “Sparco DPC”
One would like to think this means that the possible issues you raised above were considered at the development stage. It also occurs to me that since sparco also manufacture hans devices, they have available to them, considerable expertise in the common types of injuries sustained in motorsports to enable them to manufacture such a device. I would be interested to hear the MSAs comments on this subject because it seems to me that it polarises opinion in the paddock and on here on what should be a relatively easy decision for the parents to make.
I did a quick scan of the internet for common types of injuries sustained through karting and I was surprised to find that the main concern for Doctors appears not to be head/neck/rib injuries, but duodenal injuries from impact with the steering wheel, yet I could only find one manufacturer (iztech) who offer protection against these types of injuries and I don't know what the MSA's position is on prevention of these types of injuries.
Any thoughts?
Regards Sam