The Hans works on a different principle to karting neck braces. Fitted properly, you shoulder-straps of the seatbelt press the Han down onto your shoulders. In a high speed frontal impact, your head (and helmet) tries to move forward BUT the shoulder-straps of the seat belt STOP the forward motion and thus your head is held BACK by the seat belt!
That device WORKS because something is actually holding your head in place which is NOT just your neck.
However, with a karting neck-brace, there is NOTHING holding the helmet back. The hope is that it will force down onto the neck brace at the front...... BUT..... that can act like a lever. Imagine forcing your son's head forward from the back. When the helmet meets the neck support, the helmet can no longer go forward and NOW all the forces are levered UPWARD at the rear of the helmet simply becasue the front has nowhere else left to go!
That problem occurs in whatever direction the helmet is pushed. Let's assume he spins the kart and goes backward into strong tyre barriers. The helmet now moves BACKWARD until the base rests on the rear of the neck brace, The helmet will now be forced UPWARD at the front pulling even harder on the chin strap.
With the Hans devices, the SEAT BELT takes the strain and that is attached to the car. Thus, the Hans has, effectively, put you head in the seat belt TOO! In the kart neck brace, all the forces are STILL carried by the driver just as it is WITHOUT a neck brace. It may be in a different place than without a neck brace..... but is the new loaction of the 'force' any BETTER with a brace? Many don't think so!
Having said all that: I STRESS that it's YOUR CHOICE NOT MINE! I am NOT trying to STOP you using a neck brace: I am hoping to show you that the answer is NOT as clear-cut as neck-brace salesmen would have you believe!