JohnM, As a driver, drivers parent and long time supporter of SYKC and the Wombwell track, I take exception to your unjustified, unsubstantiated and damaging comments. The committee and club members at Wombwell try very hard to provide safe, competitive, cost effective grass roots MSA racing with a friendly atmosphere, and a pragmatic approach to the important stuff like driving standards, kart safety through effective scrutineering, inexperienced drivers etc. Though we would love to, there is understandably no budget to rebuild the track and facilities, and we have no chance to generate extra income through arrive and drive etc as other tracks do, but what we do have is fully MSA certified safe and clearly functional, as we have successfully been running meetings for a year or two now. "It's not the safest track, in fact its very dangerous" - You cannot validate that comment and should retract it. It may be your opinion but it is not borne out by any statistical data, nor is it a view held by the many regular competitors - Wombwell continues to pass the rigours of MSA assessment to hold races, with an incident / injury rate in line with that status. Motor racing is dangerous, but no more so at Wombwell than at other tracks. You may personally not like the wall, or the tight run off in places, or the bumps, but the facility has been MSA risk assessed and found suitable. As a responsible parent, if you are unhappy with the track, it is your choice. Why did you let your child drive there? "the facilities/amenities are very poor" - Compared to PFI for example, most are, but it is little different to several others and better than some. There is a new clubhouse, covered scrutineering and weighbridge, permanent toilet block with hot water, a burger van, a tannoy system. Ok - its very basic but it works. Please, think about the damage you can do to a small club with these comments. We would like to increase numbers through positive experiences of visitors where possible, and then reinvest the income in improved facilities. I accept that you may be accustomed to more, but it is not dangerous / unusable as you imply. And to those reading this who have not been, please take a chance to come and see it for yourself - Quite a challenging track, some quick locals to test yourself against, 3 heats and a final, always a friendly atmosphere, efficient admin, fairly applied rules. No club is perfect but you could do a lot worse at £30 for practice and £40 for race day. Type SYKC in your search engine. Its MSA standard racing without silly costs.