Good luck Nik! It's BFD's avowed position that he will NOT 'think' about racing: he just goes out and DOES it! Thus, logic is NOT going to help you! He'll actually decry you for THINKING about it! Laugh..... I never thought I'd start....
Secondly, he's NEVER SAT IN A KART..... Is that ME making it up....? No! He CLAIMED that in a previous posting. Another good laugh!
The SUM TOTAL of his knowledfge in karting (even if we BELIEVE what he says) is watching his two sons race in Honda Cadet where they, as complete novices, can get on the podium IN EVERY RACE! What does THAT tell you about the opposition at those races?!
What we have is a DREAMER.... who doesn't want to THINK about the physics or maths or even the THEORY of 'set-up'!
I'd jump in on his comments but you are doing a FINE job.... as always!
P.S., didn't we also meet in Tescos, once?